Submission of Thesis/Report for the 2nd Evaluation: June 5 - 9, 2023 N
No.6220216- Writer PSPS
- Date : 2023.05.26 17:01
- Views : 5564
- Notice_2nd evaluation.pdf (다운로드 : 3820) 첨부파일 다운로드
- Application for the change of Thesis_Report.doc (다운로드 : 3864) 첨부파일 다운로드
- Bank information.pdf (다운로드 : 3993) 첨부파일 다운로드
- PSPS Format.docx (다운로드 : 3845) 첨부파일 다운로드
- Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research.docx (다운로드 : 3885) 첨부파일 다운로드
Please take note that the following important information:
1. Qualification - Students who meet all the criteria as indicated below:
a. Registered for the 4th semester, Obtained at least 27 credits
(minimum 9 core credits and 15 major credits), 3 thesis research credits with a GPA higher than 3.0
b. Pass the Comprehensive Examination
c. Pass the Pre-presentation Evaluation
2. Requirements (Below 4 things are all compulsory for every students)
※ Period of Submission: June 5(Mon) 9AM - June 9(Fri) 3PM(Please keep the deadline)
a. Application form (URP system): hardcopy or softcopy (with signature)
- You can print it out after applying in the URP system. You don't need to submit a 2nd page
(심사위원 제청서), just submit a 1st page.
b. Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research form: hardcopy or soft copy (with signature)
c. Evaluation Fee: 100,000 KRW or USD 100 (After transferring the fee, let me know about this for checking.)
- Please refer to the attached “Bank Info-” file for checking the bank account number.
We do not accept CASH. You have to transfer the amount of money.
d. Thesis/Report files: MS WORD version
3. Information: Please refer to the attached files for more detailed information.
★ Those who write a “THESIS” and currently stay in Korea have to present their research work for the THESIS DEFENSE which will be held during June 12 – 14. (Exact date and time will be announced.)
The Thesis Committee Professors including your advisor will attend this evaluation. So please prepare for the Thesis Defense.
- When you apply for the presentation in the URP system,
Students who write a thesis: click the “Degree Thesis application” menu
Students who write a report: click the “Diploma Report application” menu.
- Please be aware that your title (both in Korean and English) will be automatically printed on the application form based on your 2nd draft. Please carefully review your Korea and English titles once again. (If you intend to change your title compared to the 2nd draft, please submit the ‘Application for the change of thesis/report’ form with your advisor’s permission.)
- Students who are going to apply for the evaluation are required to obtain their advisor’s signature on both the application form for the presentation and declaration of ethical conduct in research form. (You can either directly obtain your advisor’s signature or get permission from your advisor to use the stamp available at the PSPS office.)
※ Inquiry: Program Officer, Eunah Lee (